thirteenfridays : 13 picnics

This year has two Friday 13ths and like 2013 (when we started the thirteenfridays project) there are 13 weeks in between!  In celebration we are planning a new series of events.


The series kicks off on Friday 13th April with a road trip suggested by the Pembrokeshire Beyond website.  Equipped with Polaroid camera, audio & video recorders, an open mind and a picnic feast of 13 we aim to visit all of the seven spooky sites around Pembrokeshire, stopping for a snack and a search for paranormal activity at each location (some are haunted roads so might not be possible to stop).

Each Friday will then take us out to different haunted locations with different 13 themed picnics, to explore sites and stories of strange and supernatural goings on around Wales.

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